Hydrogen Content in Hydrocarbons by Time Domain NMR

We are excited to introduce the minispec mq-one Hydrogen Analyzer, a state-of-the-art solution designed to revolutionize the determination of combustion performance in various fuels, including aviation fuel, petrol, and combustion fuel. Our analyzer employs cutting-edge technology to measure hydrogen content, ensuring precision and efficiency in line with ASTM D7171 standards.

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Key Features

Calibration: Easy, Fast, and Unique

    • Rapid, non-destructive, and solvent-free calibration.
    • QC/QA measurement for reliable results.
    • Support for all Official International Standard Methods (ASTM D 7171, ASTM D 3701, and ASTM D 4808).
    • Easy calibration using a small number of commercially available compounds.
    • Minimum sample preparation for swift analysis.
    • High return on investment.
    • Dedicated analyzer with perfectly adapted software.


Accuracy, Precision, and Speed

    • The minispec mq-one NMR method meets all demands of accuracy, precision, and speed.
    • Easy calibration with commercially available hydrocarbons.
    • Minimum sample preparation and straightforward measurement process.
    • Excellent reproducibility.
    • Replaces former continuous Wave Systems with the advanced mq-one Hydrogen Analyzer.


Petrochemical Industry

    • Total hydrogen content in coal.
    • Oil content determination in wax/paraffin.
    • Oil content determination in oil shale and oil sands.
    • Viscosity determinations of oils.
    • Relaxation time analysis on rock cores.
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Minispec Plus Software for mq-one

Experience unparalleled precision, speed, and ease with the minispec mq-one Hydrogen Analyzer.

  • User-friendly, multi-lingual, and 21CFRPart11 compliant software.
  • User rights for administration (full access), calibration & measurement, and measurement only.
  • Pre-defined method for hydrogen content determination.

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