Droplet Size Distribution in Food Emulsions

New TD-NMR solution for Droplet Size Analysis - Introducing GoScan for minispec and improved data analysis

The droplet size distribution in emulsions of water in oil (and oil in water) influences the taste, smell, appearance, and microbial stability of foods such as margarine, butter, mayonnaise, salad dressing, and soft cheese.

In the cosmetic industry, the droplet size distribution contributes to a better understanding of the relationship between emulsifying process and long-term emulsion stability.

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Features and Workflow

  • Equipped with the G-Var method
  • Minimum sample preparation with no sample alteration or dilution
  • Validated for both single emulsions (W/O and O/W droplets) and double emulsions (WOW)
  • Similar or better precision compared to other analytical techniques such as microscopy, laser diffraction, and electric sensing
  • NMR measures droplet size and not cluster size
  • Can measure droplet sizes in the range: O/W droplets 0.5-10µm; W/O droplets 1-30µm
Workflow of minispec G-Var method - Up to 4 times faster in comparison to former D-Var method
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  • Simple and intuitive User Interface – GoScan for minispec
  • Multimodal Droplet Size Distribution characterization
  • Improved characterization of the lognormal Droplet Size Distribution
  • Lower limit of quantifiable droplet phase (down to 2%)
  • Has the lowest cost-of-ownership per measurement of all methods
TD-NMR minispec Solid Fat Content Analyzer
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