OpenSPR for Academia & Research

To improve human life by helping scientists succeed. By using innovative nanotechnology, we reduce the cost and complexity of SPR instrumentation and make it accessible to every researcher. Having OpenSPR in your own lab will eliminate the expensive costs and inconvenient travelling associated with using a shared instrument in a core facility. OpenSPR is helping over 600 researchers publish in high-impact journals worldwide.

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Why Teach SPR?

SPR is the gold standard technique for measuring binding kinetics in both industry and academia. From discovering new drugs to gaining a better understanding of diseases, SPR is used by thousands of biotechnology companies and every pharmaceutical company in the world. Students who graduate with experience using cutting-edge techniques like SPR will be best prepared to start their career in industry or continue to do research in the academic world


BenchtopSave valuable lab space with our affordable benchtop solution.
User-FriendlyTrain anyone in your lab to become an SPR expert with our user-friendly solution
Real-Time DataShorten your experimental timelines with real-time binding kinetics and affinity data
Low-MaintainanceMinimize downtime on your experiments and save on operational costs


Applications:Compatible With:
Kinetics/affinity characterization Proteins 
Competition assays Lipids 
Target identification Carbohydrates
Epitope mapping  Antibodies 
Screening Nucleic acids 
Yes/No binding Small molecules 
Nanoparticles & more               
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